mongodb-pipeline-builder is a pipeline builder for the db.collection.aggregate, the db.aggregate and the mongoose Model.aggregate methods.
All stages except the Out, Merge, GeoNear, ChangeStream, ChangeStreamSplitLargeEvent and Paging stages can appear multiple times in a pipeline.
npm i -S mongodb-pipeline-builder
with build()
suffix with Helper
to $Map
Welcome generics! GetResult<Type>
and GetPagingResult<Type>
now offer the ability to type responses.
const PipelineBuilder = require("mongodb-pipeline-builder").PipelineBuilder;
const { LookupEqualityHelper, ProjectOnlyHelper, Field } = require('mongodb-pipeline-builder/helpers');
const { $LessThanEqual, $ArrayElementAt, $Equal, $Expression } = require('mongodb-pipeline-builder/operators');
import { PipelineBuilder } from 'mongodb-pipeline-builder';
import { LookupEqualityHelper, ProjectOnlyHelper, Field } from 'mongodb-pipeline-builder/helpers';
import { $LessThanEqual, $ArrayElementAt, $Equal, $Expression } from 'mongodb-pipeline-builder/operators';
const myNewPipeline = new PipelineBuilder( 'myPagination', { debug: true } )
.Match( $Expression( $LessThanEqual( '$id', 20 ) ) )
.Project( ProjectOnlyHelper( 'name', 'weight' ) )
.Paging( 5, 3 ) // 5 per page, page 3
is equivalent to
const myNewPipeline = [ {
$facet: {
docs: [
{ $match: { $expr: { $lte: ["$id", 20] } } },
{ $project: { _id: 0, name: 1, weight: 1 } },
{ $skip: 10 },
{ $limit: 5 }
count: [
{ $match: { $expr: { $lte: ["$id", 20] } } },
{ $count: "totalElements" }
} ];
const myNewPipeline = new PipelineBuilder( 'user-skills' )
.Match( $Expression( $Equal( '$id', 123456 ) ) )
.Lookup( LookupEqualityHelper( 'profiles', 'profile', 'id', 'profileId' ) )
.Project( ProjectOnlyHelper( 'firstname', 'lastname', 'email' ) )
Field( 'skills', $ArrayElementAt( '$profile.skills', 0 ) ),
Field( 'availability', $ArrayElementAt( '$profile.availability', 0 ) )
.Unset( 'profile' )
is equivalent to
const myNewPipeline = [
{ $match: { $expr: { $eq: ["$id", 123456] } } },
{ $lookup: { from: "profiles", as: "profile", localField: "id", foreignField: "profileId" } },
{ $project: { _id: 0, firstname: 1, lastname: 1, email: 1 } },
{ $addFields: {
skills: { $arrayElemAt: ["$profile.skills", 0] },
availability: { $arrayElemAt: ["$profile.availability", 0] }
} },
{ $unset: "profile" }
GetResult<T>(): Promise<GetResultResponse<T>>
is an asynchronous method that provides a very easy way to use aggregation responses.
This method returns a GetResultResponse
object that contains 3 methods:
GetDocs(): T[]
to get all the documents that match the request.GetElement(index: number | 'last'): T
to get a particular document by its index.GetCount(): number
to get the total number of documents found.const result = await GetResult<DocType>( target, pipeline );
result.GetDocs(); // () => DocType[]
result.GetElement(index | 'last'); // () => DocType | undefined
result.GetCount(); // () => number
GetResult<DocType>( target, pipeline ).then( result => {
result.GetDocs(); // () => DocType[]
result.GetElement(index | 'last'); // () => DocType | undefined
result.GetCount(); // () => number
} );
GetElement(index: number | 'last')
method possibilities:
. GetElement()
will return undefined.// GetDocs() -> [document1, document2, document3, ..., document51]
result.GetElement(2); // will return document to index 2, document3
result.GetElement('last'); // will return the last document, document51
result.GetElement(99); // will return undefined
GetPagingResult<T>(): Promise<GetPagingResultResponse<T>>
is an asynchronous method that provides a very easy way to use aggregation responses when Paging stage is used.
This method returns a GetPagingResultResponse
object that contains three methods:
to get the documents found.GetCount()
to get the total number of documents found.GetTotalPageNumber()
to get the total number of pages.const result = await GetPagingResult<DocType>(target, pipeline);
result.GetDocs(); // () => DocType[]
result.GetCount(); // () => number
result.GetTotalPageNumber(); // () => number
GetPagingResult<DocType>(target, pipeline).then( result => {
result.GetDocs(); // () => DocType[]
result.GetCount(); // () => number
result.GetTotalPageNumber(); // () => number
} );
=> Try the lib on NPM RunKit with the require method <=
// builder = new PipelineBuilder('example');
The Paging stage automatically adds 3 native stages used to paginate documents ($skip, $limit and $count).
Page is optional and defaults to 1.
builder.Paging(5, 2).build();
// pipeline
$facet: {
docs: [ { '$skip': 5 }, { '$limit': 5 } ],
count: [ { '$count': 'totalElements' } ]
The InsertStage stage allows you to insert a stage without validation.
Usefully when you need to insert a stage that is not yet implemented
or when the value fails validation but for some reason you want to keep it.
builder.InsertStage({ '$myCustomStage': { myField: 'myValue' } }).build();
// pipeline
[ { $myCustomStage: { myField: 'myValue' } } ]
Field(name, value)
Field('foo', 'value1'),
Field('bar', 'value2'),
// pipeline
[ { $addFields: { foo: 'value1', bar: 'value2' } } ]
BucketHelper(groupBy, boundaries, optional)
builder.Bucket(BucketHelper('$age', [6, 13, 18])).build();
// pipeline
[ { $bucket: { groupBy: '$age', boundaries: [ 6, 13, 18 ] } } ]
BucketAutoHelper(groupBy, buckets, optional)
builder.BucketAuto(BucketAutoHelper('$age', 5)).build();
// pipeline
[ { $bucketAuto: { groupBy: '$age', buckets: 5 } } ]
// pipeline
[ { $changeStream: {} } ]
// pipeline
[ { $changeStreamSplitLargeEvent: {} } ]
// pipeline
[ { $collStats: {} } ]
// pipeline
[ { $count: 'counter' } ]
// pipeline
[ { $currentOp: {} } ]
DensifyHelper(field, range, optional)
{ bounds: 'full', step: 200 },
{ partitionByFields: [ 'variety' ] }
// pipeline
$densify: {
field: 'altitude',
range: { bounds: 'full', step: 200 }
partitionByFields: [ 'variety' ],
builder.Documents({ doc1Id: 1 }, { doc2Id: 2 }, { doc3Id: 3 }).build();
// pipeline
[ { $documents: [ { doc1Id: 1 }, { doc2Id: 2 }, { doc3Id: 3 } ] } ]
Field(name, pipeline)
Field('pipeline1', [{ $match: { tag: 'first' }}]),
Field('pipeline2', [{ $match: { tag: 'second' }}]),
Field('pipeline3', [{ $match: { tag: 'third' }}]),
// pipeline
$facet: {
pipeline1: [ { '$match': { tag: 'first' } } ],
pipeline2: [ { '$match': { tag: 'second' } } ],
pipeline3: [ { '$match': { tag: 'third' } } ]
FillHelper(output, optional)
bootsSold: { value: 0 },
sandalsSold: { value: 0 },
sneakersSold: { value: 0 },
// pipeline
$fill: {
output: {
bootsSold: { value: 0 },
sandalsSold: { value: 0 },
sneakersSold: { value: 0 }
GeoNearHelper(near, distanceField, optional)
GeoNearHelper({ type: "Point", coordinates: [ -73.99279 , 40.719296 ] }, 'calculated')
// pipeline
$geoNear: {
near: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [ -73.99279, 40.719296 ] },
distanceField: 'calculated'
from: 'employees', startWith: '$reportsTo', connectFromField: 'reportsTo', connectToField: 'name', as: 'reportingHierarchy',
// pipeline
$graphLookup: {
from: 'employees',
startWith: '$reportsTo',
connectFromField: 'reportsTo',
connectToField: 'name',
as: 'reportingHierarchy'
builder.Group({ _id: null, count: { $count: { } } }).build();
// pipeline
{ $group: { _id: null, count: { '$count': {} } } }
// pipeline
[ { $indexStats: {} } ]
// pipeline
[ { $limit: 10 } ]
builder.ListLocalSessions({ allUsers: true }).build();
// pipeline
[ { $listLocalSessions: { allUsers: true } } ]
builder.ListSampledQueries({ namespace: "social.post" }).build();
// pipeline
[ { $listSampledQueries: { namespace: 'social.post' } } ]
builder.ListSearchIndexes({ name: 'searchIndex01' }).build();
// pipeline
[ { $listSearchIndexes: { name: 'searchIndex01' } } ]
builder.ListSessions({ allUsers: true }).build();
// pipeline
[ { $listSessions: { allUsers: true } } ]
LookupConditionHelper(from, as, optional)
builder.Lookup(LookupConditionHelper('users', 'users')).build();
// pipeline
[ { $lookup: { from: 'users', as: 'users' } } ]
LookupEqualityHelper(from, as, localField, foreignField)
LookupEqualityHelper('users', 'users', 'userId', 'id')
// pipeline
$lookup: {
from: 'users',
localField: 'userId',
foreignField: 'id',
as: 'users'
Field(name, value)
builder.Match(Field('age', 18)).build();
// pipeline
[ { $match: { age: 18 } } ]
builder.Match($Expression($GreaterThanEqual('$age', 18))).build();
// pipeline
[ { $match: { '$expr': { '$gte': [ '$age', 18 ] } } } ]
MergeHelper(into, optional)
// pipeline
[ { $merge: { into: 'newCollection' } } ]
OutHelper(collection, optional)
// pipeline
[ { $out: 'users' } ]
// pipeline
[ { $planCacheStats: {} } ]
ProjectHelper(field, value)
ProjectHelper('age', '$user.age'),
$cond: {
if: { $eq: [ '', '$user.nickname' ] },
then: '$$REMOVE',
else: '$user.nickname',
// pipeline
$project: {
age: '$user.age',
nickname: {
$cond: {
if: { $eq: [ '', '$user.nickname' ] },
then: '$$REMOVE',
else: '$user.nickname'
builder.Project(ProjectIgnoreHelper('password', 'refreshToken')).build();
// pipeline
[ { $project: { password: 0, refreshToken: 0 } } ]
builder.Project(ProjectOnlyHelper('password', 'refreshToken')).build();
// pipeline
[ { $project: { _id: 0, password: 1, refreshToken: 1 } } ]
$GreaterThan($Size($SetIntersection('$tags', ['STLW', 'G'])), 0),
// pipeline
$redact: {
'$cond': [
{ '$gt': [ { '$size': { '$setIntersection': [ '$tags', [ 'STLW', 'G' ] ] } }, 0 ] },
newRoot: { full_name: { $concat : [ "$first_name", " ", "$last_name" ] } }
// pipeline
$replaceRoot: {
newRoot: {
full_name: { '$concat': [ '$first_name', ' ', '$last_name' ] }
// pipeline
[ { $replaceWith: '$name' } ]
// pipeline
[ { $sample: { size: 6 } } ]
SearchHelper(operator | collector, optional)
near: { path: 'released', origin: date, pivot: 7776000000 },
// pipeline
$search: {
near: { path: 'released', origin: date, pivot: 7776000000 },
SearchMetaHelper(collector, optional)
facet: {
operator: {
near: { path: 'released', origin: date, pivot: 7776000000 },
facets: {
test: { type: 'number', path: 'released', boundaries: [0, 100] },
// pipeline
$searchMeta: {
facet: {
operator: {
near: { path: 'released', origin: date, pivot: 7776000000 },
facets: {
test: { type: 'number', path: 'released', boundaries: [0, 100] },
Field(name, value)
builder.Set(Field('first', true), Field('second', 2)).build();
// pipeline
[ { $set: { first: true, second: 2 } } ]
partitionBy: "$state",
sortBy: { orderDate: 1 },
output: {
cumulativeQuantityForState: {
$sum: "$quantity",
window: { documents: [ "unbounded", "current" ] }
// pipeline
$setWindowFields: {
partitionBy: '$state',
sortBy: { orderDate: 1 },
output: {
cumulativeQuantityForState: {
'$sum': '$quantity',
window: { documents: [ 'unbounded', 'current' ] }
// pipeline
[ { $shardedDataDistribution: {} } ]
// pipeline
[ { $skip: 100 } ]
Field(name, value)
Field('first', -1),
Field('second', 1),
Field('third', { $meta: "textScore" }),
// pipeline
$sort: { first: -1, second: 1, third: { '$meta': 'textScore' } }
// pipeline
[ { $sortByCount: '$employee' } ]
UnionWithHelper(collection, pipeline)
// pipeline
$unionWith: { coll: 'cars' }
[{ $document: [{ ref: 1 }, { ref: 2 }, { ref: 3 }], }]),
// pipeline
$unionWith: { pipeline: [ { '$document': [ { ref: 1 }, { ref: 2 }, { ref: 3 } ] } ] }
UnionWithHelper('cars', [{ $match: { color: 'red' } }]),
// pipeline
$unionWith: { coll: 'cars', pipeline: [ { '$match': { color: 'red' } } ] }
builder.Unset('users', 'roles').build();
// pipeline
[ { $unset: [ 'users', 'roles' ] } ]
builder.Unwind({ path: '$sizes', preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true }).build();
// pipeline
[ { $unwind: { path: '$sizes', preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true } } ]
// operator
{ $abs: -5 }
() => ({ count: 0, sum: 0 }),
(state: { count: number; sum: number; }, numCopies: number) => ({
count: state.count + 1,
sum: state.sum + numCopies,
(state1: { count: number; sum: number; }, state2: { count: number; sum: number; }) => ({
count: state1.count + state2.count,
sum: state1.sum + state2.sum,
{ finalize: (state: { sum: number; count: number; }) => (state.sum / state.count) },
// operator
'$accumulator': {
init: [ () => ({ count: 0, sum: 0 }) ],
accumulate: [
(state: { count: number; sum: number; }, numCopies: number) => ({
count: state.count + 1,
sum: state.sum + numCopies,
accumulateArgs: [ '$copies' ],
merge: [
(state1: { count: number; sum: number; }, state2: { count: number; sum: number; }) => ({
count: state1.count + state2.count,
sum: state1.sum + state2.sum,
finalize: [ (state: { sum: number; count: number; }) => (state.sum / state.count) ],
lang: 'js'
$ArcCosine({ $divide : [ '$side_b', '$hypotenuse' ] })
// operator
{ '$acos': { '$divide': [ '$side_b', '$hypotenuse' ] } }
// operator
{ '$acosh': 3 }
$Add('$price', 10)
// operator
{ '$add': [ '$price', 10 ] }
// operator
{ '$addToSet': '$item' }
$AllElementsTrue([ true, 1, "someString" ])
// operator
{ '$allElementsTrue': [ [ true, 1, 'someString' ] ] }
$And(1, 'green')
// operator
{ '$and': [ 1, 'green' ] }
$AnyElementTrue([ true, false ])
// operator
{ '$anyElementTrue': [ [ true, false ] ] }
$ArrayElementAt([ 1, 2, 3 ], 0)
// operator
{ '$arrayElemAt': [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], 0 ] }
$ArrayToObject([ { "k": "item", "v": "abc123" }, { "k": "qty", "v": "$qty" } ])
// operator
{ '$arrayToObject': [ { k: 'item', v: 'abc123' }, { k: 'qty', v: '$qty' } ] }
$ArrayToObject([ [ "item", "abc123" ], [ "qty", 25 ] ], true)
// operator
{ '$arrayToObject': { '$literal': [ [ 'item', 'abc123' ], [ 'qty', 25 ] ] } }
// operator
{ '$asin': '$value' }
// operator
{ '$asinh': '$value' }
// operator
{ '$atan': '$value' }
$ArcTangent2('$side_b', '$side_a')
// operator
{ '$atan2': [ '$side_b', '$side_a' ] }
// operator
{ '$atanh': '$value' }
// operator
{ '$avg': '$value' }
$Average('$value1', '$value2', '$value3')
// operator
{ '$avg': [ '$value1', '$value2', '$value3' ] }
$BinarySize('Hello World!')
// operator
{ '$binarySize': 'Hello World!' }
// operator
{ '$bitAnd': '$array' }
$BitwiseAnd(0, 127, 5)
// operator
{ '$bitAnd': [ 0, 127, 5 ] }
// operator
{ '$bitNot': '$long' }
// operator
{ '$bitOr': '$array' }
$BitwiseOr(0, 127, 5)
// operator
{ '$bitOr': [ 0, 127, 5 ] }
// operator
{ '$bitXor': '$array' }
$BitwiseXor(0, 127, 5)
// operator
{ '$bitXor': [ 0, 127, 5 ] }
$Bottom(['field1', 'field2'], { field2: -1 })
// operator
{ '$bottom': { output: [ 'field1', 'field2' ], sortBy: { field2: -1 } } }
$BottomN('field', { field: 1 }, 3)
// operator
{ '$bottomN': { output: 'field', sortBy: { field: 1 }, n: 3 } }
// operator
{ '$bsonSize': '$$ROOT' }
// operator
{ '$ceil': '$value' }
$Compare('$age', 25)
// operator
{ '$cmp': [ '$age', 25 ] }
$Concat('$first', ' - ', '$second')
// operator
{ '$concat': [ '$first', ' - ', '$second' ] }
$ConcatArrays('$array', [1, 2, 3])
// operator
{ '$concatArrays': [ '$array', [ 1, 2, 3 ] ] }
$Condition({ $gte: [ '$quantity', 250 ] }, 'true', 'false')
// operator
{ '$cond': [ { '$gte': [ '$quantity', 250 ] }, 'true', 'false' ] }
$Convert(100, 'bool')
// operator
{ '$convert': { input: 100, to: 'bool' } }
// operator
{ '$cos': '$angle' }
$CosineHyperbolic({ $degreesToRadians : "$angle" })
// operator
{ '$cosh': { '$degreesToRadians': '$angle' } }
// operator
{ '$count': {} }
$CovariancePopulation('$numeric1', '$numeric2')
// operator
{ '$covariancePopulation': [ '$numeric1', '$numeric2' ] }
$CovarianceSample('$numeric1', '$numeric2')
// operator
{ '$covarianceSample': [ '$numeric1', '$numeric2' ] }
$DateAdd('$startDate', 'hour', 2)
// operator
{ '$dateAdd': { startDate: '$startDate', unit: 'hour', amount: 2 } }
$DateDifference('$startDate', '$endDate', 'second')
// operator
{ '$dateDiff': { startDate: '$startDate', endDate: '$endDate', unit: 'second' } }
$DateFromCalendarParts(2000, { month: 12, day: 31, hour: 12, minute: 25, second: 59, timezone: '+01:00' })
// operator
'$dateFromParts': {
year: 2000,
month: 12,
day: 31,
hour: 12,
minute: 25,
second: 59,
timezone: '+01:00'
$DateFromIsoWeekParts(2000, { isoWeek: 53, isoDayOfWeek: 7, millisecond: 500 })
// operator
{ '$dateFromParts': { isoWeekYear: 2000, isoWeek: 53, isoDayOfWeek: 7, millisecond: 500 } }
$DateFromString('2017-02-08T12:10:40.787', { timezone: 'America/New_York' })
// operator
'$dateFromString': {
dateString: '2017-02-08T12:10:40.787',
timezone: 'America/New_York'
$DateSubtract(1697382106124, 'month', 1)
// operator
{ '$dateSubtract': { startDate: 1697382106124, unit: 'month', amount: 1 } }
// operator
{ '$dateToParts': { date: 1697382106124 } }
// operator
{ '$dateToString': { date: 1697382106124 } }
$DateTrunc(1697382106124, 'month')
// operator
{ '$dateTrunc': { date: 1697382106124, unit: 'month' } }
$DayOfMonth('$date', 'Europe/Paris')
// operator
{ '$dayOfMonth': { date: '$date', timezone: 'Europe/Paris' } }
$DayOfWeek('$date', '+03:30')
// operator
{ '$dayOfWeek': { date: '$date', timezone: '+03:30' } }
// operator
{ '$dayOfYear': { date: '$date' } }
// operator
{ '$degreesToRadians': '$angle_a' }
// operator
// operator
// operator
// operator
// operator
// operator
// operator
// operator
// operator
// operator
// operator
// operator
// operator
// operator
// operator
// operator
// operator
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